Our Uniform
Moorland Primary School Uniform
We keep our uniform simple, practical and affordable. By wearing school uniform your children will feel part of the school community and save their own clothes from getting spoilt.
Please note that all year groups except year 6 wear our burgundy jumpers and cardigans with a school logo.
Only Year 6 wear a black school logo sweatshirt or cardigan.
Children will need to wear the following items of clothing:
- School trousers (not tracksuit bottoms) or shorts in grey
- School skirt in grey
- School pinafore dress in grey
- Polo shirt in white
- Sweatshirt or cardigan with the School logo in burgundy (only Y6 wear black)
- A burgundy hijab (a black hijab for children in Year 6)
- Socks in white, grey or black
- In the summer, a red checked dress can be worn
- Plain black shoes
P.E uniform
- White t-shirt with or without the school logo
- Black shorts or Joggers
- Trainers for outdoor PE
- Moorland Sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo in burgundy
Please find details of how to order from www.kedaphschoolwear.co.uk
Call: 01908 417142
Visit: Kedaph School wear, Lennox Road, Bletchley, MK2 2HH
Email - customerservice@kedaphschoolwear.co.uk
Second Hand Uniform
We support our families by offering good-quality, second-hand school clothes for free. Please speak to a member of the Wellbeing or Office team.
Our community prides itself on being supportive of one another. If you have any school uniform that your child has grown out of, and you wish to donate it to other families, then please give it to a member of the Wellbeing or Office team. Thank you