Our Governors

Chair of Governor’s Welcome
On behalf of Moorland Local Governing Body (LGB), I would like to warmly welcome you to our website, where you will be able to explore and find out more about our school. Moorland Primary School is part of the family of the Campfire Education Trust which was established in 2013 and is made up of 5 other schools located across Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire.
We are very proud to be part of this developing Trust and believe ‘Together we can’…. We are a very committed LGB, and we are governors because we want our children to receive the very best quality of education possible, through the quality and breadth of the curriculum taught as well as through high quality teaching for all children.
Our voluntary leadership role is essential in ensuring that we rigorously monitor what is happening in the school both alongside and independent of the Headteacher.
The Quality of the Education provided to our children is aligned to the School Evaluation Form (SEF) and School Improvement Plan (SIP). These school documents enable us as governors to focus our monitoring on the school Improvement priority areas. Our motto is always ‘So How Do We Know?’, which is fundamental in how we successfully carry out our governance role.
During the academic year, we carry out Data Analysis, Learning Walks, Book Looks, Pupil Voice and Class visits to inform our monitoring, as well as ensuring this links into the school’s curriculum plan, subject action plans, moderation and discussions with teachers and the Headteacher. This will continue to be carried out by link governors responsible for monitoring the Quality of Education, as well as working with the Campfire School Improvement Directors, and feedback to the LGB via monitoring reports and LGB discussions.
We understand our strategic and local governance responsibilities through the Campfire Education Trust’s scheme of delegation, and ensure with the support of the Trust, we can carry out these roles and responsibilities effectively.
As governors we are very proud of our children, our staff and our local community.
Kindest regards,
Janice Parker
Chair of Governors
Campfire Education Trust Scheme of Delegation
Governance Handbook
Academy Trust Handbook
Governor Attendance records
Our Local Governing Body Training and Development
You can contact our Clerk to Governors directly by emailing clerk@campfiretrust.co.uk